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Logging into Cori Nodes

First you need to get a NIM account and password with MFA. Once you have that set up, ssh into cori.


All of your simulations should be run from your $SCRATCH directory, so cd there. IMPORTANT NERSC will delete files left in the $SCRATCH directory every ~2 weeks or so (check official policy if you need to)


For the most part, running tristan-mp on Cori is simple, except Cori no longer supports the older version of HDF5 that tristan-mp requires, so you’ll need to compile your own. Here are the instructions to compile tristan-mp with hdf5-1.8 on Cori.

Download the hdf5-1.8.21.tar to your $SCRATCH folder: located here and unzip it.

tar -xvf hdf5-1.8.21.tar

You’ll need to compile and install HDF5. The easiest way to do that is create a file called in the unzipped HDF5 directory. The file should contain the following

H5_HOME=/PATH/TO/hdf5-1.8.21/ # modify this to your path to hdf5

./configure --prefix=$H5_HOME --enable-fortran --enable-parallel \
--enable-java --enable-shared CFLAGS="-fPIC -Ofast" \
FCFLAGS="-fPIC -Ofast" LDFLAGS="-dynamic" FC=ftn CC=cc \
CXX=CC --enable-build-mode=production --enable-unsupported

make -j 4 # parallel compile
make install # install

Finally you’ll compile tristan following the instructions here, except you will need to change your tristan-mp Makefile to point to version of HDF5 you just compiled. You can keep all parts the same except change the following flags and variables where they occur in the original Makefile

cc = icc
FC = /PATH/TO/hdf5-1.8.21/bin/h5pfc # replace with the actual path
LD = /PATH/TO/hdf5-1.8.21/bin/h5pfc
PERFORMANCE = -O3 -I/PATH/TO/hdf5-1.8.21/include -L/PATH/TO/hdf5-1.8.21/lib

Submit Scripts for NERSC

You should look at the official guide to running jobs on Cori, but here is a good template of a slurm script to run on the Haswell cores.

#SBATCH --qos=regular
#SBATCH --nodes=175
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=32
#SBATCH --constraint=haswell
#SBATCH -t 48:00:00                                                             
#SBATCH --mail-type=begin,end,fail
srun -n 5600 ./tristan-mp2d -i input.a > out